October 05, 2015

Two Accenture Consulting Professionals Awarded Ethics in Finance – Robin Cosgrove Prize

Anne Godbold and Christian Buckson recognized for innovative ideas in promoting ethics in finance among young professionals

WASHINGTON; October. 5, 2015 – Two Accenture Consulting professionals were recognized during the fifth Ethics in Finance – Robin Cosgrove Prize awards ceremony at the International Monetary Fund headquarters in Washington, D.C. Anne Godbold was awarded Second Prize for her paper “Ethical Innovation in Finance,” and Christian Buckson was jointly awarded Third Prize for his paper “Can Complex Firms be Ethical?”

“As the industry continues to address its challenges, real and perceived, ethics is increasingly recognized as a critical part of the solution,” said Steve Culp, senior global managing director leading Accenture Consulting for Financial Services and Accenture Finance and Risk Services. “I am extremely proud of the accomplishments of our two consulting professionals, the caliber of their innovative thinking around this topic and the value they bring to our clients. They are fine examples of the quality of the consultants who work for Accenture.”

Accenture consultant Rafael Gomes was recognized during the fourth Ethics in Finance – Robin Cosgrove Prize in 2013.

The Ethics in Finance – Robin Cosgrove Prize is a global prize awarded to individuals 35 years of age or younger for their ideas for promoting the benefits of ethics in finance and encouraging high-quality management in banking, insurance and financial services. The prize was set up by Carol Cosgrove-Sacks, along with the Observatoire de la Finance in Switzerland, in honor of her son Robin Cosgrove, a young investment banker who tragically died in an accident on Mont Blanc in 2004 at the age of 31.

About the Robin Cosgrove Prize
The Ethics in Finance – Robin Cosgrove Prize promotes greater awareness among young people throughout the world concerning the benefits of ethics in finance and encourages high-quality management of banking, insurance and financial services based on trust and integrity. Launched in 2006 and now in its 5th Edition, the global competition for the Prize for Innovative Ideas for Ethics in Finance is open to young people, aged 35 years or younger, from throughout the world. The goal is to promote the vision of Robin Cosgrove, an investment banker working in London who died tragically young, aged 31, who believed there was an ethical deficit in the finance sector which would ultimately destroy peoples’ trust. The competition invites creative papers, which may be submitted in English or French, setting out analyses or proposals for innovative ways to promote ethics in finance. All submissions are reviewed through a robust and anonymous evaluation process, in which the authors’ identities are not known to the jury until the nominations of the winners are announced.

About Accenture
Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company, with more than 358,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries. Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across all industries and business functions, and extensive research on the world’s most successful companies, Accenture collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses and governments. The company generated net revenues of US$31.0 billion for the fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2015. Its home page is www.accenture.com.

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Melissa Volin
+ 1 267 216 1815