July 22, 2014

West Midlands Police Selects Accenture to Support Digital Policing Program

LONDON; July 22, 2014 – West Midlands Police (WMP) and West Midlands Office of Police and Crime (WMOPC) have selected Accenture (NYSE:ACN) to support the digital transformation of its police operations. The contract, secured after a competitive tendering process, is valued at approximately $42 million (£25 million) over five years with an option to extend the contract for an additional three years.

Accenture will provide WMP with digitally enabled capabilities to help meet current and future policing needs, manage citizen service requests and achieve cost savings across operations. The initial phase of the project will involve the design of a new operating model for the force that will help shape and inform operational decisions from 2015 to 2020. The operating model will be developed by the force in close consultation with partners, local communities and stakeholders.

Accenture will provide project and program management, business change and system integration services to WMP, working with the force to introduce mobile technologies to support front-line policing efforts and to enable officers to increase the time they spend on patrol and in their communities. The project also will help transform how information is shared across the force and support the development of new innovative service delivery models with partner organizations.

New Digital Technologies

New digital technologies that provide citizens with improved online access to police services and public safety information will be made available. Accenture will assist WMP in analyzing existing police data and information sources using analytic technologies to drive insights and intelligence that support police investigations. Working closely with Accenture, HP will design a new IT infrastructure to support the increased mobility, security and data analysis needs of the force.

Chief Constable Chris Sims of West Midlands Police said, “Today police forces need the latest technologies to assist in the fight against crime and to help protect communities. A more efficient operating environment supported by the greater use of technology will help us deliver better service to the public while reducing costs and maintaining a strong visible presence on the streets.”

Accenture and WMP have agreed on an innovative value-based contract. Under the terms of the agreement, payments to Accenture will be linked to outcomes that are closely aligned to overall force performance in key areas such as budget savings.

“Accenture will team with WMP to deliver new technologies to officers that enhance their crime fighting efforts and reduce time spent on paperwork and administration,” said Mark Lyons


Accenture’s U.K. and Ireland managing director for Health & Public Service. “Through new streamlined processes and the greater use of technology, officers will be able to minimize time spent in the office and maximize time fighting crime. Citizens will benefit from new digital capabilities, including the ability to report crimes, track case progress and engage with officers online and through social media channels. This program of change at WMP will, ultimately, mean improved police service across the West Midlands.”

Ger Daly, who leads Accenture’s global Defense & Public Safety business, said, “Accenture Police Services is working with police forces in Europe, North America, Africa, Asia and Australia to deliver next-generation capabilities and information management systems. Within Europe, Accenture is delivering critical systems for the national police forces of Scotland, Ireland, Spain and Norway. Accenture’s global policing industry experience, wider cross-industry insight and strong local expertise in the UK were central to its selection by West Midlands Police.”

Learn more about Accenture’s global Defense & Public Safety Industry and Delivering Public Service for the Future.

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Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company, with more than 293,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries. Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across all industries and business functions, and extensive research on the world’s most successful companies, Accenture collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses and governments. The company generated net revenues of US$28.6 billion for the fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2013. Its home page is www.accenture.com


Media Contact:
Mark Radvanyi
Accenture UK
+ 44 7770 704884

Joe Doyle
Accenture Health & Public Service
+ 353 87 2507583