Update: Accenture Statement Regarding Data Security Matter

September 21, 2007: Accenture has learned that, in addition to the confidential data belonging to the State of Connecticut, there was additional confidential data pertaining to a small number of other clients on the back-up tape that was stolen in Ohio several months ago. Based on what we know today, we believe this was the result of our policies inadvertently not being followed. We intend to take appropriate actions with any individuals involved, and to reinforce with all of our employees, as we do on a regular basis, the importance of following our privacy and data protection policies.

We have informed the clients whose data was on the tape and are working with all parties, including Ohio and Connecticut, to address this matter. We are also continuing to evaluate the portion of the tape sent to us by the State of Ohio. Fortunately, there is no evidence that the data has been accessed or misused by any unauthorized third party. As the Ohio Inspector General determined, the technical complexity of retrieving the data from the back-up tape storage device makes the possibility that it will be used for improper purposes remote.

We will take all appropriate actions, including completing a thorough review of the information provided to us by the State of Ohio, and will provide credit monitoring services to any affected individuals.

Accenture takes its responsibility to safeguard our clients’ data very seriously. We invest heavily in training our employees so they understand how to appropriately handle sensitive data and we impress on them the importance of following our policies.

Accenture regrets this unfortunate incident and remains committed to working with our clients in this matter.

Note: This posting updates a statement previously posted to the Accenture website on September 19, 2007.