Wales Leads the Way in eProcurement

Accenture Delivers System in Less Than 10 Weeks

CARDIFF; Jan. 8, 2002 – The National Assembly for Wales is leading the way in eProcurement in the country now that its first order has been placed through a new pilot eProcurement system. The pilot, with 66 suppliers already in the system, was delivered by Accenture in less than 10 weeks and initially made available for use by 60 Assembly users.

The system is hosted at the Accenture Data Centre in Warwick, and is available to Assembly users through their desktop web browser. Accenture is responsible for the technical implementation and operations tasks, reducing the risk to the Assembly, and enabling the rapid deployment. The ease of system use resulted in minimal training needs and positive feedback from users.

About the project, Parry Jenkins, an Accenture partner commented: “I was delighted with the extent of collaboration between ourselves and the National Assembly for Wales which has resulted in a very high supplier take up and a rapid, trouble free deployment.”

This Pilot is one of seven being undertaken as part of the Office of Government Commerce’s (OGC) e-Pilots Project, a research project seeking to establish government as an intelligent customer of e-procurement. The OGC, has commissioned an independent consultancy to produce a report outlining best practices in eProcurement for the public sector based on the activities and lessons learned across the seven Pilots. The Project, including the final Guidance report, will be completed by the end of July 2002.

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Accenture is the world’s leading management consulting and technology services organization. Through its network of businesses approach – in which the company enhances its consulting and outsourcing expertise through alliances, affiliated companies and other capabilities – Accenture delivers innovations that help clients across all industries quickly realize their visions. With more than 75,000 people in 47 countries, the company generated net revenues of $11.44 billion for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2001. Its home page is


Mark Radvanyi

+44 (207) 844 5406