Accenture Survey of Business Travelers Predicts Near-Term Growth for Airline and Hotel Industries

Business Travelers Plan to Return to the Skies and Rooms, But New Trends Reveal that Better Insight into Customers is Critical for the Industry’s Success

LONDON; 26 Sept. 2002 Business travel will likely increase over the next six months, according to an Accenture survey of more than 300 business travelers at UK-based companies.

Almost one-third (32 percent) of the survey respondents said that they expect to travel more for business between now and the end of the first quarter of 2003 than they had during the past six months. This is compared with 47 percent of respondents who said their business travel will remain at the same level and 21 percent who reported that it will drop.

Air carriers continue to be the preferred method of travel, with 42 percent of respondents choosing them as their primary mode of transportation, followed closely by 38 percent of respondents who prefer to travel by car. Only one-fifth (18 percent) of respondents said that they prefer to travel by rail.

In addition, the majority of respondents reported that their companies have placed few restrictions on travel. For example, more than half (59 percent) said their companies have not restricted reservation option changes such as business and first-class travel, and another 63 percent reported that their companies have not restricted the use of some luxury hotels.

“We’re seeing many positive indicators that business travel is rebounding and returning to the normal levels prior to the events of September 11 last year in the United States,” said Alex Christou, a partner in Accenture’s Transportation & Travel Services industry group. “However, the travel industry is undergoing a period of significant transition and redefinition, and it must understand that the business traveler is reshaping the industry, due to the number of choices of air carriers and hotels available.”

As travel picks up, respondents and their companies are evaluating travel options more carefully, and the research points to several potential shifts that might alter the outlook of business travel for several industry sectors. For example:

Other findings of the survey include:

“In a world of increasing competition and declining profits, airlines and hotels must look at their business models, focus on getting closer to their customers and rethink the way they deliver services and generate growth,” said Christou. “The future leaders of the travel industry will ultimately be those who can strengthen customer loyalty to grow revenues.”

The survey, conducted in September 2002, entailed querying more than 300 business travelers at UK-based companies. The multiple-choice survey was conducted entirely online and has a margin of error of +/- 5%.

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Mark Radvanyi

+44 (207) 844 5406