Accenture and Employees to Contribute Up to $4 Million To Relief Efforts

Global Effort Includes Technical Expertise in Addition to Financial Support

NEW YORK, September 16, 2001 – Accenture today announced it is implementing a three-part program that will enable the company and its employees around the world to contribute up to $4 million to help families and businesses rebuild in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks.

"Many of our people wrote to me looking for ways to help those affected by the devastating tragedy in New York and Washington, D.C.," said Joe Forehand, chairman and CEO of Accenture. "We are responding with the best we have to offer and in a way that allows all of us at Accenture to participate."

The three-part program includes the following components:

Accenture Disaster Relief Fund
Accenture is establishing a fund to assist those affected by the disaster, including Accenture employees, their families and others. Employees from around the world have asked for a means to provide some degree of support for their colleagues who are experiencing personal pain. This fund will receive contributions from employees that Accenture will match, up to a total of $1 million. This effort could potentially raise $2 million to help members of the Accenture community and others who are in need as a result of the attacks on September 11.

Donation to the American Red Cross on Behalf of Accenture Employees
Accenture is making a $1 million donation to the Red Cross on behalf of all Accenture employees. This donation will help the Red Cross respond to the needs of those directly and indirectly affected by this emergency and other disasters.

In-Kind Services to Help Rebuild Business Infrastructure
Accenture has pledged $1 million in in-kind services, which refers to the costs of employees who wish to volunteer, to help the New York City community. Accenture will work with New York City officials on major initiatives designed to help the city resume normal operations.

"The tragedy in the United States has touched the Accenture family in many ways and has tapped a deep source of concern and compassion," said Forehand. "I believe it is important for us all to have a means to reach out and help."

About Accenture
Accenture is the world’s leading provider of management and technology consulting services and solutions, with more than 75,000 people in 46 countries delivering a wide range of specialized capabilities and solutions to clients across all industries. Accenture operates globally with one common brand and business model designed to enable the company to serve its clients on a consistent basis around the world. Under its strategy, Accenture is building a network of businesses to meet the full range of any organization’s needs: consulting, technology, outsourcing, alliances and venture capital. Its home page is


Roxanne Taylor

+1 (917) 452 5106